Monday, 29 April 2013

Just a progress report.

It's that time of year again when the seagulls are nesting and the front of the guest house is scattered with bits of grass that have dropped out of a seagull's mouth as it flies off to its nesting site.

I have seen seagulls at the back of our building picking up bits of grass.  This one pictured is flying off over the North Bay.

I have had a sliver of success with bulbs despite the failure of most of them due to the slow start to spring.  Last autumn I planted some dwarf tulips and they have been flowering for two weeks now.  This picture was taken towards the end of their flowering life, but they looked very beautiful and offered a promise of more flowers to come.

Dwarf tulips

You will see also that the Almerias I planted and that were so successful last year are now starting to come back. These ones shown here are against a sheltered wall but the others are not far behind.

Last year I planted a Sedum; these are very popular with butterflies.  It practically disappeared over the winter to the point where I could hardly remember what it was.  But now it is returning very strongly and healthily.  This might yet then be stronger than last year.

Also, returning healthily from practically nothing is the buddleia that proved so tough last year.  It is now growing lovely healthy leaves and recovering from the long winter.


The cornflower seeds that I planted a few weeks ago are growing well and are still protected by the netting I put up.  Hopefully I will avoid the total disappearance that happened last year.  Nearly 10 days ago I put in some nasturtium seeds, but no sign of growth from them yet.

I mentioned in my last post that I was planning to look at composting and since then I have decided upon a dual Bokashi system.  I haven't got this yet, but I will be getting this going quite soon.

Despite everything the only wildlife of any sort that I have seen amongst my plants are baby snails.  So I can sense a season long battle with these guys coming on.

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