Well, Spring appears to have arrived, at least for a few days and armed with a pair of new garden shears I have started the job of clearing up the garden and tub areas.
My main concern was that the buddleia was sprouting new green leaves the expected 12 cm up the old stems and therefore the old growth from last year was looking brown and lifeless above the new shoots. This has now been rectified, as shown below.
So it looks like this might do quite well this year and hopefully attract a few more butterflies than last year.
The snow drops are coming to the end of their flowering life now but when fully open they are really pretty. As I had a 50% increase on last year, I will try to pop a few more bulbs in later this year and with any luck have another massive increase in numbers next year.
Not much to say as yet on the wildlife spotting front although I understand the Peregrine Falcons are nesting on the north bay again this year, but I don't know exactly where as yet. I will find out and let people know.
Also, unusually a sea lion has been making an appearance on the south bay over the last few weeks. It comes in, lies on the beach and then leaves as the tied goes out. The police, I understand, have been putting a cordon round it to protect it. I can't imagine this is going to be a regular event but it's quite nice if likes the beach in Scarborough at least for a while.
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